This is Rocco and I am here this morning interviewing two of my dear friends, Princess Fuzzypants and Purrday. They have an exciting new book coming out- A Side Dish of Death. It comes out on February 25th so if you have not ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for.
Good morning you two.
This is the third book in which you two star together. How does it feel to be such a dynamic duo?
PFP: Rocco, thank mew for the invitation today. I am delighted that our pairing has worked so well. But then, how else would it be. Look at this face- *points to Purrday*. How could I fail to fall in love with him.
Purrday: And look at her face "points to the Princess" so beautiful. How could I not reciprocate? I am flattered a beauty like her would fall for an old salt like myself.
Rocco: Can you tell us a bit about the plot of the new book?
Purrday: Shell and her mother are having a murder mystery fundraiser, and things start to go south when the chef, a very unpleasant person, turns up dead duirng the festivities. Since everyone is trapped at the venue due to a hurricane, Shell and company must track down the killer before he/she strikes again! Complicating things is Shell's ex-fiancee, who has shown up with an agenda of his own that included the deceased chef.
PFP: Of course the humans, Shell and Gary, are hopeless without our expurrt feline help. We save the day- again. But then, isn’t that what everyone wants to see.
Rocco: Princess Fuzzypants, I am so glad you could join us from the Bridge. I know Toni mentioned your passing in September but you have been anything but absent since then.
PFP: *Laughs*. Who knew how busy my “life” would be at the Bridge. And back on earth. Naturally I must keep an eye on my humans, especially Momma. She would be lost without meow. I morph frequently and meow at them. I miss my snuggles and cuddles but things are satisfying. Knowing that I have achieved immortality both through the continuation of my page and my presence in the books, means a lot to meow.
Purrday: Princess, you are alive in everyone's hearts and always will be.
Rocco: To what do you attribute your great chemistry.
PFP: Purrday finds and rescues meow in the first book. There is an instant attraction and when Shell see meow, she too is smitten. Then we have a big mystery to solve and with our superior intellect and heightened senses, we are able to suss out things that mere humans could not. What do mew think Purrday?
Purrday: I agree, we felines are far more intuitive than humans. If you doubt that, then just ask Nick (from the Nick and Nora mysteries) He will agree one thousand percent.
Rocco: I hear there are more adventures on the horizon for the two of you. Can you give us any hints.
Purrday: Well, not to say too much or the human will be mad but...our next adventure takes place at a pet show with our Princess front and center in the action!
PFP: I don’t want to give away too much. After all, we want mew to read all of our books. *Giggles*
Rocco: Thank you for being here today. Are there any last words you want to share.
PFP: I know my page fans have probably pre-ordered but I want to make sure they all read the books. A Side Dish of Death is a lot of fun as are the previous two adventures. Purrday and I are counting on mew.
Purrday: We appreciate your support. It is what makes the Pet Shop Mysteries keep on coming!