Sad but true...this weekend signals the unofficial end of summer. I can't hardly believe it! Labor Day weekend is upon us, and the Human has already posted dibs on the new computer, so.....
I am campaigning for a computer of my very own! Why not? I am a premier blogger, after all! I think the human could get me a reconditioned laptop at the very least - one with those little sunken keys for my little kitty paws!
So, if anyone hears of any good laptop deals, please post here! ROCCO needs a computer...and I am still also campaigning for my browncoat!
And just in case there are some of you who do not know what a Browncoat is, visit this site:
You will be informed!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Meow, fans and friends...yes, I'm back. the Human has forgiven me for showing off my kitty strength, but of course i have been duly warned not to go ANYWHERE near that DVR box.
Can you believe August is practically over...this week is Labor Day weekend, the unofficial end of summer. I can barely believe it! So, I have just a few announcements about coming attractions.
If you've enjoyed my HOT SEAT INTERVIEWS (the one with Caitlin Kittredge is my latest) then you are going to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what's coming up in the last third of the year! The end of September Adult and YA author JENNIFER TURNER (J. R. TURNER) will be sitting in my hotseat! Jennifer is also a YA acquisition editor for Echelon Press. So look forward to that.
In early DECEMBER - hold onto your hats - Paranormal romance author MICHELLE ROWEN sits in my hotseat! Yes, the creator of Sarah Dearly talks about her new mystery series featuring Sarah and Thierry, answers my questions and I generally drool......but anyway.....
At a date to be determined.....THE QUEEN OF VAMPIRE CHICK LIT, MARY JANICE DAVIDSON, sits in my hotseat! YOW!
and dont' forget - DANCING WITH THE STARS starts Sept 19 - did you see that cast! and CASTLE premiers that night as well - I can't hardly wait!!!!!!!
Speaking of CASTLE, we will have another fundraiser for his charity, KIDS NEED TO READ before the end of the year, so stay tuned for more details!
OK, is that jam-packed or what? Keep watching this blog for more announcements! Hope IRENE did not affect too many people (the Human's bathroom ceiling bought it, but not too badly) and now I must relinquish the computer, becasue the HUMAN has a novel and a novella to finish.....
Can you believe August is practically over...this week is Labor Day weekend, the unofficial end of summer. I can barely believe it! So, I have just a few announcements about coming attractions.
If you've enjoyed my HOT SEAT INTERVIEWS (the one with Caitlin Kittredge is my latest) then you are going to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what's coming up in the last third of the year! The end of September Adult and YA author JENNIFER TURNER (J. R. TURNER) will be sitting in my hotseat! Jennifer is also a YA acquisition editor for Echelon Press. So look forward to that.
In early DECEMBER - hold onto your hats - Paranormal romance author MICHELLE ROWEN sits in my hotseat! Yes, the creator of Sarah Dearly talks about her new mystery series featuring Sarah and Thierry, answers my questions and I generally drool......but anyway.....
At a date to be determined.....THE QUEEN OF VAMPIRE CHICK LIT, MARY JANICE DAVIDSON, sits in my hotseat! YOW!
and dont' forget - DANCING WITH THE STARS starts Sept 19 - did you see that cast! and CASTLE premiers that night as well - I can't hardly wait!!!!!!!
Speaking of CASTLE, we will have another fundraiser for his charity, KIDS NEED TO READ before the end of the year, so stay tuned for more details!
OK, is that jam-packed or what? Keep watching this blog for more announcements! Hope IRENE did not affect too many people (the Human's bathroom ceiling bought it, but not too badly) and now I must relinquish the computer, becasue the HUMAN has a novel and a novella to finish.....
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Greetings, Humans!
My human has allowed me to post my interview with the lovely and talented Caitlin Kittredge, even though my punishment continues...hopefully I'll be back to regular blogging next week. Guess that's what I get for showing off my kitty strength, heh heh heh.
But in the meantime....
Today my guest is the lovely and talented YA/Adult UF author, Caitlin Kittredge! She has a new adult UF novel coming out next Tuesday (Devil's Business, Black London series - see photo above) For those of you who aren’t familiar with her, here’s a bit about Caitlin:
Caitlin started writing novels at age 13. Her first was a Star Wars tie-in. Fortunately, she branched out from there and after a few years trying to be a screenwriter, a comic book writer and the author of copious amounts of fanfiction, she tried to write a novel again. Her epic dark fantasy (thankfully) never saw the light of day but while she was struggling with elves and sorcerers she got the idea of writing a story about a werewolf who fought crime.
Two years and many, many drafts later, she pitched Night Life to a bevy of agents and one of them sold the series to St. Martin's. Since then she’s written a plethora of other novels, including THE ICARUS PROJECT series with Jackie Kessler; THE IRON THORN, a steampunk YA UF series, and her latest book, DEVIL’S BUSINESS, in her BLACK LONDON series, is available in print and e-book August 30.
When not writing, Caitlin collects comic books, print books, vintage clothes, and bad habits. She loves tea, loud music, the color black (especially mixed with the color pink) and ghost stories. She can drive a stick shift, play the violin and knows more English curses than American ones.
R: Hello, Caitlin and Welcome!
CK: Thank you, Rocco.
R:Tell us a bit about yourself and your books
CK I can't remember a time I wasn't writing (okay, I remember a time in kindergarten when we had to keep a daily diary and I didn't want to, because I'd just made a bow and arrow and wanted to go outside and try to shoot at things), but I only got serious after college. I finished my first novel and queried it, and the rest is history. As for my books—I write what I describe as dark fiction, and what my marketing departments describe as either urban fantasy or steampunk fantasy, depending on the series. I love stories about the dark side of the paranormal, and of the real world too, so I think it's natural that's what I ended up writing. I finished my first series, the Nocturne City books, which are about werewolves, and I also write the Black London series, about a secret, supernatural London and now I'm in the middle of writing a YA trilogy, the Iron Codex, which is steampunk with a dash of Lovecraft.
R: The paranormal genre has grown in the past 5 years. Why did you decide to write within this genre and how do you think your books stand out?
CK: I try to inject humanity into all of my stories, even the ones about completely inhuman characters. I think the point of connection for readers is the most important thing. We use fantasy to understand the real world, to talk about social issues, to escape. Fantasy fiction can be used for so many things, but I think so many authors limit themselves to what's safe and comfortable. I always try to push mine and the reader's comfort zones, and to keep my characters as true to life as possible, even if they're ghosts or demons or werewolves.
R: Other than paranormal, what’s your favorite genre to write in/read?
CK: Definitely mystery fiction—the more hardboiled and noir the better. I love a good unhappy-ending noir novel, or books like Jeff Lindsay's Dexter, where the main character might be evil, but he's also the most competent and coolheaded—the monster you'd want on your side. I also love comics—usually independent books or Vertigo titles, but I love Batman, the Avengers, and big flashy superhero stories too.
R: Where do you find your inspiration for your novels?
CK: Everywhere. I've been inspired by songs, by dreams I've had, by mythology and folklore, and also by real-life history and true crime stories. I could never point to just one source. A good writer is open to all influences for inspiration.
R: What do you find is the biggest challenger to you as an author?
CK: Time. I never have enough hours in the day for all the stories I want to write.
R: What do you love the most about your work?
CK: That I get to make stuff up for a living.
R: Can you still find time to read yourself? If so, what is one book on your TBR list you cannot wait to read?
CK I do make time to read, and I have literally probably 200 books on my TBR list. I don't have a stack—I have an entire bookshelf. I can't wait to read all of them!
R: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
CK I've never jumped out of a plane or anything extreme in that sense. I think the craziest thing ever was probably quitting my well-paying game design job to write full time. I had only one contract at that point, but I knew I had to devote more time to writing or I'd never be able to land more deals and enable myself to make a living off of my novels. It was terrifying, but I'm so glad I did.
R: What advice do you have for writers just starting out?
CK: Develop a routine and stick to it. It could be writing every day, it could be writing only one day a week, but learning to write consistently is the hardest part for most new authors.
R: What would your readers be most surprised to learn about you?
CK I'm an avid runner even though I'm fundamentally lazy, and I've competed in several 5k and 10k races. It was hard to get off the sofa initially, but now I'm sort of addicted.
Just for Fun:
R: Day or Night person?
CK: Night person, for sure. I fear daylight.
R: Cat or Dog? (heh heh)
CK: Cats, (R: GOOD ANSWER) but I love dogs, rabbits, or anything else with fur that has the potential to destroy my furniture.
R: Fantastic Four or Justice League?
CK: Justice League
R: Batman or Green Lantern?
CK: Batman. I don't see how that's even a question.
R: Favorite Drink?
CK: Tea, closely followed by diet Coke, coffee and anything else that will keep me from passing out on my keyboard
R: Favorite TV Show?
CK:Burn Notice
R: Favorite Movie?
CK: The Big Lebowski
R: Favorite Author (other than yourself )
CK: Too many to count, and I'd hate to leave someone out!
Meow, Thank you, Caitlin!
Folks, to keep up with Caitlin’s works and appearances, visit her website:
and now I must slink off into the night, trying my best to be a good boy, so I can return to my blogging!
My human has allowed me to post my interview with the lovely and talented Caitlin Kittredge, even though my punishment continues...hopefully I'll be back to regular blogging next week. Guess that's what I get for showing off my kitty strength, heh heh heh.
But in the meantime....
Today my guest is the lovely and talented YA/Adult UF author, Caitlin Kittredge! She has a new adult UF novel coming out next Tuesday (Devil's Business, Black London series - see photo above) For those of you who aren’t familiar with her, here’s a bit about Caitlin:
Caitlin started writing novels at age 13. Her first was a Star Wars tie-in. Fortunately, she branched out from there and after a few years trying to be a screenwriter, a comic book writer and the author of copious amounts of fanfiction, she tried to write a novel again. Her epic dark fantasy (thankfully) never saw the light of day but while she was struggling with elves and sorcerers she got the idea of writing a story about a werewolf who fought crime.
Two years and many, many drafts later, she pitched Night Life to a bevy of agents and one of them sold the series to St. Martin's. Since then she’s written a plethora of other novels, including THE ICARUS PROJECT series with Jackie Kessler; THE IRON THORN, a steampunk YA UF series, and her latest book, DEVIL’S BUSINESS, in her BLACK LONDON series, is available in print and e-book August 30.
When not writing, Caitlin collects comic books, print books, vintage clothes, and bad habits. She loves tea, loud music, the color black (especially mixed with the color pink) and ghost stories. She can drive a stick shift, play the violin and knows more English curses than American ones.
R: Hello, Caitlin and Welcome!
CK: Thank you, Rocco.
R:Tell us a bit about yourself and your books
CK I can't remember a time I wasn't writing (okay, I remember a time in kindergarten when we had to keep a daily diary and I didn't want to, because I'd just made a bow and arrow and wanted to go outside and try to shoot at things), but I only got serious after college. I finished my first novel and queried it, and the rest is history. As for my books—I write what I describe as dark fiction, and what my marketing departments describe as either urban fantasy or steampunk fantasy, depending on the series. I love stories about the dark side of the paranormal, and of the real world too, so I think it's natural that's what I ended up writing. I finished my first series, the Nocturne City books, which are about werewolves, and I also write the Black London series, about a secret, supernatural London and now I'm in the middle of writing a YA trilogy, the Iron Codex, which is steampunk with a dash of Lovecraft.
R: The paranormal genre has grown in the past 5 years. Why did you decide to write within this genre and how do you think your books stand out?
CK: I try to inject humanity into all of my stories, even the ones about completely inhuman characters. I think the point of connection for readers is the most important thing. We use fantasy to understand the real world, to talk about social issues, to escape. Fantasy fiction can be used for so many things, but I think so many authors limit themselves to what's safe and comfortable. I always try to push mine and the reader's comfort zones, and to keep my characters as true to life as possible, even if they're ghosts or demons or werewolves.
R: Other than paranormal, what’s your favorite genre to write in/read?
CK: Definitely mystery fiction—the more hardboiled and noir the better. I love a good unhappy-ending noir novel, or books like Jeff Lindsay's Dexter, where the main character might be evil, but he's also the most competent and coolheaded—the monster you'd want on your side. I also love comics—usually independent books or Vertigo titles, but I love Batman, the Avengers, and big flashy superhero stories too.
R: Where do you find your inspiration for your novels?
CK: Everywhere. I've been inspired by songs, by dreams I've had, by mythology and folklore, and also by real-life history and true crime stories. I could never point to just one source. A good writer is open to all influences for inspiration.
R: What do you find is the biggest challenger to you as an author?
CK: Time. I never have enough hours in the day for all the stories I want to write.
R: What do you love the most about your work?
CK: That I get to make stuff up for a living.
R: Can you still find time to read yourself? If so, what is one book on your TBR list you cannot wait to read?
CK I do make time to read, and I have literally probably 200 books on my TBR list. I don't have a stack—I have an entire bookshelf. I can't wait to read all of them!
R: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
CK I've never jumped out of a plane or anything extreme in that sense. I think the craziest thing ever was probably quitting my well-paying game design job to write full time. I had only one contract at that point, but I knew I had to devote more time to writing or I'd never be able to land more deals and enable myself to make a living off of my novels. It was terrifying, but I'm so glad I did.
R: What advice do you have for writers just starting out?
CK: Develop a routine and stick to it. It could be writing every day, it could be writing only one day a week, but learning to write consistently is the hardest part for most new authors.
R: What would your readers be most surprised to learn about you?
CK I'm an avid runner even though I'm fundamentally lazy, and I've competed in several 5k and 10k races. It was hard to get off the sofa initially, but now I'm sort of addicted.
Just for Fun:
R: Day or Night person?
CK: Night person, for sure. I fear daylight.
R: Cat or Dog? (heh heh)
CK: Cats, (R: GOOD ANSWER) but I love dogs, rabbits, or anything else with fur that has the potential to destroy my furniture.
R: Fantastic Four or Justice League?
CK: Justice League
R: Batman or Green Lantern?
CK: Batman. I don't see how that's even a question.
R: Favorite Drink?
CK: Tea, closely followed by diet Coke, coffee and anything else that will keep me from passing out on my keyboard
R: Favorite TV Show?
CK:Burn Notice
R: Favorite Movie?
CK: The Big Lebowski
R: Favorite Author (other than yourself )
CK: Too many to count, and I'd hate to leave someone out!
Meow, Thank you, Caitlin!
Folks, to keep up with Caitlin’s works and appearances, visit her website:
and now I must slink off into the night, trying my best to be a good boy, so I can return to my blogging!
Everyone, write to THE HUMAN and tell her I must return!
Meowingly yours,
Monday, August 22, 2011
Toni (other wise known as The Human) here:
Rocco is being punished. Saturday morning he decided to channel Hercules and pulled the cable/DVR right out of the wall. I woke up and found the box dangling by its cable from the wall unit. Fortunately, the only thing broken off was one of the unit's feet. It still works, or Rocco would be in kitty heaven right about now.
As it is, he's being punished. NO BLOGGING!!!!!!!!!!
At least until Wednesday, when he has Caitlin Kittredge's interview. After that, we'll see.
Don't forget - the Celebration contest is still going on! Because some people have had trouble signing in to make comments, I'm extending it to midnight Wednesday, Aug. 24th! Leave a comment on the "Celebration Time" post and you coudl win a $25 Amazon gift card!
Rocco is being punished. Saturday morning he decided to channel Hercules and pulled the cable/DVR right out of the wall. I woke up and found the box dangling by its cable from the wall unit. Fortunately, the only thing broken off was one of the unit's feet. It still works, or Rocco would be in kitty heaven right about now.
As it is, he's being punished. NO BLOGGING!!!!!!!!!!
At least until Wednesday, when he has Caitlin Kittredge's interview. After that, we'll see.
Don't forget - the Celebration contest is still going on! Because some people have had trouble signing in to make comments, I'm extending it to midnight Wednesday, Aug. 24th! Leave a comment on the "Celebration Time" post and you coudl win a $25 Amazon gift card!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Ahem - This week the human's self published urban fantasy, NO REST FOR THE WICCA, celebrated its 25th week on Amazon's Top 100 Bestsellers in Occult fiction!
The stats:
On Amazon's top 100 sellers in Occult fiction: 25 weeks
Weeks in the top 20: 15
Weeks in the top 10: 3
Needless to say, the human is very proud and grateful - after all, if you, the readers, didn't pick up the darn thing we wouldn't have anything to celebrate, now would we?
But since we do.....
Leave a comment - tell us what team you're on - Team Morgan or Team Raven! which of the human's self pubbed b0oks do YOU prefer? I, Rocco, will paw about the comments and randomly choose one lucky winner to receive (what else) a $25 AMAZON gift card ($25 - 25 weeks - get it? I knew ya would). If you want extra points (meaning your name will have a better chance of being chosen, you can:
Friend the Human on Facebook (+1)
Friend me, Rocco the Sci Fi blogging cat on Facebook (+1)
Tweet about this contest! (+2)
Contest ends midnight, August 22. Pls leave your email address so you can be notified if you win.
the human has finished edits for the manuscript for her agent, and now is working on its sequel, as well as a Morgan short and a Raven novella! PLus, next year there will be our YA paranormal with the Dark Shadows tie-in, and hopefully another adult UF/PR! (good thing she bought that new computer, heh heh) Keep watching this blog for release news, and you can also check in at the human's website:
also, the human guest blogs at Naughty Author Chicks here:
Still to come: CAITLIN KITTREDGE AND JR TURNER in my hotseat! Oh, Boy!
Have a PURR-fect weekend!
Ahem - This week the human's self published urban fantasy, NO REST FOR THE WICCA, celebrated its 25th week on Amazon's Top 100 Bestsellers in Occult fiction!
The stats:
On Amazon's top 100 sellers in Occult fiction: 25 weeks
Weeks in the top 20: 15
Weeks in the top 10: 3
Needless to say, the human is very proud and grateful - after all, if you, the readers, didn't pick up the darn thing we wouldn't have anything to celebrate, now would we?
But since we do.....
Leave a comment - tell us what team you're on - Team Morgan or Team Raven! which of the human's self pubbed b0oks do YOU prefer? I, Rocco, will paw about the comments and randomly choose one lucky winner to receive (what else) a $25 AMAZON gift card ($25 - 25 weeks - get it? I knew ya would). If you want extra points (meaning your name will have a better chance of being chosen, you can:
Friend the Human on Facebook (+1)
Friend me, Rocco the Sci Fi blogging cat on Facebook (+1)
Tweet about this contest! (+2)
Contest ends midnight, August 22. Pls leave your email address so you can be notified if you win.
the human has finished edits for the manuscript for her agent, and now is working on its sequel, as well as a Morgan short and a Raven novella! PLus, next year there will be our YA paranormal with the Dark Shadows tie-in, and hopefully another adult UF/PR! (good thing she bought that new computer, heh heh) Keep watching this blog for release news, and you can also check in at the human's website:
also, the human guest blogs at Naughty Author Chicks here:
Still to come: CAITLIN KITTREDGE AND JR TURNER in my hotseat! Oh, Boy!
Have a PURR-fect weekend!
Monday, August 15, 2011

Greetings, Humans!
After a wet, soggy weekend, I'm ready for new posts, aren't you? Although i do hope you enjoyed my interview with the incredible Jill Myles! and, coming soon...YA and Adult UF author CAITLIN KITTREDGE! Can you feel the excitement?
Particularly in light of the fact the Human has a book coming out with a tie in, I feel I should post some DARK S HADOWS Mews:
There's some great news on the upcoming DARK SHADOWS MOVIE AT THIS LINK:
MGM Digital Media have recently made the 1991 Dark Shadows Revival series available to view on Youtube. All 12 episode can be viewed for free within the US by clicking here:
Plus, there's a great interview with Kathryn Leigh Scott (Maggie Evans) where she talks about her cameo in the upcoming movie and more, here:
After a wet, soggy weekend, I'm ready for new posts, aren't you? Although i do hope you enjoyed my interview with the incredible Jill Myles! and, coming soon...YA and Adult UF author CAITLIN KITTREDGE! Can you feel the excitement?
Particularly in light of the fact the Human has a book coming out with a tie in, I feel I should post some DARK S HADOWS Mews:
There's some great news on the upcoming DARK SHADOWS MOVIE AT THIS LINK:
MGM Digital Media have recently made the 1991 Dark Shadows Revival series available to view on Youtube. All 12 episode can be viewed for free within the US by clicking here:
Plus, there's a great interview with Kathryn Leigh Scott (Maggie Evans) where she talks about her cameo in the upcoming movie and more, here:
OK, folks. I've done my part, meow. Now go read 'em!
And dont' forget to stop by Friday for a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT AND CONTEST!
More later,
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Meow! In my hotseat today i have the lovely and talented JILL MYLES, paranormal romance author:
For those of you who aren't familiar with her, Jill wrote THE SUCCUBUS DIARIES SERIES
for pocket and is now doing two other series, under pen names. Here's her bio from her website:
Jill Myles has been an incurable romantic since childhood. She reads all the 'naughty parts' of books first, looks for a dirty joke in just about everything, and thinks to this day that the Little House on the Prairie books should have been steamier.
After devouring hundreds of paperback romances, mythology books, and archaeological tomes, she decided to write a few books of her own - stories with a wild adventure, sharp banter, and lots of super-sexy situations. She prefers her heroes alpha and half-dressed, her heroines witty, and she loves nothing more than watching them overcome adversity to fall into bed together.
Jessica Clare is also the pen name of the artist formerly known as Jill Myles! She feels totally like Prince when she mentions that, too. Jessica Clare will write steamy contemporary romances for Berkley Heat, but those aren't out yet.
And's JILL! (and me!)
R: Tell us a bit about yourself?
JM: Let’s see – I write for two different publishers, self-publish on the side, and have a day job. I’m married to an awesome husband and we have cats. I like video games. The rest is pretty much not worth bothering with.
R: When and why did you decide to become a writer?
JM: Well, I’ve always written. I think most writers don’t have a switch that they flip and decide one day that they’re going to write. They just write all their lives. I do remember the day I decided to write a novel, though! I was a recovering Everquest addict with too much free time on my hands, and so I was bored and watching Last of the Mohicans for the jillionth time. And every time, I thought to myself, jeez, what a shitty ending. And I decided that maybe I should try rewriting the story myself, and so I sat down to write a novel. I started with the scene in my head (which was actually in the middle of the book) and wrote from there. This was back in 2001, and it took me a year and a half to write that first novel.
R: What drew you to the paranormal genre?
JM: I’ve always been drawn to the paranormal in fiction, but for a long time, it wasn’t mainstream. I remember checking out books from the library and being SO excited when I’d find one with vampires or werewolves in it. Then Christine Feehan’s books began to get popular, and Sherrilyn Kenyon, and it was an amazing time for me – the stuff I liked to read was actually getting popular! Holy cow! It wasn’t until I read MaryJanice Davidson’s very funny UNDEAD AND UNWED that I realized that paranormal didn’t have to be dark and serious – it could be light and funny, too. That was the book where the light went off in my head. Before that, I was writing time travel romances and fantasy novels. Really bad ones, I might add.
R: Where do you find your inspiration for your novels?
JM: Everywhere! I forget who said that writers are like magpies – we steal shiny bits from everywhere. It’s so true. My succubus series started with a conversation and I liked a particular turn of phrase. My dating agency series started because I had an idea, and it became something else when I was filling out tax forms for the IRS. My ideas come from everywhere.
R: What is your biggest challenge as an author?/What do you love most?
JM: Biggest challenge is that I can’t write fast enough to keep up with all the ideas in my head. I have a folder of ideas that are awesome and I can’t wait to tackle, but it’s just finding the time. What do I love most? Getting to write the ‘big’ scenes that I’ve been picturing in my head for weeks. Twisting the story down paths that will surprise the reader.
R: Can you still find time to read yourself? If so, what books did you enjoy in particular?
JM: Absolutely! I don’t read as much as I want to, but I still read quite a bit. I recently re-read Kresley Cole’s DEMON FROM THE DARK (she’s one of my favorite authors!) and read Meljean Brook’s ASCENSION novella in ANGELS OF DARKNESS. Oh, and MAGIC SLAYS. And I’m currently reading (via audiobook) THE MONSTRUMOLOGIST.
R: What are you currently working on?
JM: I’m currently working on the second book in my Midnight Liaisons series – or as everyone calls it, the ‘paranormal dating agency series’. It’s tentatively called SINGLE WOLF FEMALE and it’s about the sister of the heroine of the first book. She’s in a fake relationship with a were-bear because the local wolf pack wants her to mate with them, and a fake relationship is the only way to save herself… except she sorta stopped faking the relationship a while back. It’s been a blast to write and I love it so much that I’m putting aside other projects that need to get done just so I can write a few more pages. Loving it.
R: What can we look forward from you in the future? What books do you have in the works?
JM: Lots of stuff in the works! I have BEAUTY DATES THE BEAST coming out under my Jessica Sims pseudonym in October. That’s the first book in the Midnight Liaisons series, and it’s about a human that ends up dating a were-cougar even though it’s against the rules of the dating agency she works for. My next big NY release isn’t until May of 2012, and that’s called WHEN SPARKS FLY. It’s a contemporary erotic romance about getting revenge on the one that got away. It’s going to be written under the name Jessica Clare. And then under Jill Myles, I’m continuing to self-publish! The next few months should see a Succubus short story, a time-travel romance about a mermaid and a warlord, and eventually, SUCCUBI ARE FOREVER, the fourth book in the Succubus Diaries series. Whew.
Anyhow, that’s a lot to remember, and I don’t expect anyone to remember it other than me! If you’re interested in knowing when my next book releases, I have a newsletter on my website, and if you sign up, I only email out when there’s a release. No spam!
R: What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
JM: Now that’s hard. Take on two more pen names? Marry a man after living with him for two months? (We were long distance before that) Juggle a day job and three different writing careers? It’s not really THAT crazy….though I did have to be rescued from a muddy campground by the Red Cross once. But that is a story for another day.
R: What would your readers be most surprised to find out about you?
JM: I have a ridiculous memory for book covers. It’s amazing what you retain.
R: Just for fun:
Morning or night person?
JM: Morning!
R: Beach or Mountains?
JM: Mountains!
R: Cat or Dog?
JM: Cat!
R: Good answer, Heh heh - Favorite Drink?
JM: Latte! Or Coke Zero!
R: Favorite TV Show
JM: Survivor!
R: Favorite Author (other than yourself)
JM: It’s a toss up between Kresley Cole/Meljean Brook/Ilona Andrews/Karen Marie Moning – I don’t have to pick just one, do I?
R: Heck no, Jill, and thank you!
Folks, to learn more about Jill, her pen names and her books, visit her website:
Well, kitties, I'm taking the rest of the week off - got to prepare some good posting for next week, meow! Plus our home computer has been acting up....the human is going comparison shopping Saturday - hope if she gets a new one it's cat-friendly, meow!
Until next time,
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Coming Attractions.....and Interview Stats

Kitties - it's been so hot I can hardly stand it. As you can tell my posting's been minimal - but i hope you all enjoyed the Ashlyn Chase intereview!
Here's a preview of what we've got coming up:
Next week: Paranormal romance author Jill Myles sits in my hotseat! And toward the end of the month, UF and YA author Caitlin Kittredge!
I'm going to scout about to see what little tidbits I can come up with on some of our favorites: Dark Shadows, Firefly, Nathan Fillion and his charity, Kids Need to REad (fundraiser next month!) so hopefully, the humidity will stay LOW!!!!
#4 Kristen Weber
Thought you'all might be interested in some stats - who the most popular interviews have been so far! Here they are: (the stats are thru the end of July, so Ashlyn's second interview isn't counted)
#5: Ashlyn Chase
#4 Kristen Weber
#3 Jeff Cohen
#2 Josh Getzler
and, drumroll, please - #1 interview for the first half of 2011 was:
Congrats, Janet!
Now, All you cats, keep cool - just like me :)
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