In anticipation of the newest Pet Shop Mystery debuting Tuesday, DEATH STEALS THE SPOTLIGHT ROCCO turns the interview reins over to Purrday so he can ask the tough questions of Pet Shop Mystery's newest character: Princess Fuzzypants.
As many of you know, the character is based on the real life fantabulous cat, Princess Fuzzypants, who has her own blog and Facebook page! Here is Purrday' interview with the real life Princess:

Purrday: Merow, Princess, we are honored to have you here!
Princess: It is my pleasure, Purrday. Purrday: Princess, how did you feel when you learned that you were to be a character in the human T.C. Lotempio's next Pet Shop mystery?
Princess: Purrday, I was absolutely thrilled when I learned I would be a character and then when I found out I would be your girlfriend, I was over the moon.
Purrday:. Would you say becoming a fictional character has changed your life in any way?
Princess: *Blushes*. Some of my furriends tell meow that I have always been a star but now I really do feel special. My fans are so excited too. I feel like I am sharing the experience with them. It has, however, not brought any more treaties or stinky goodness.
Purrday: Aside from the Pet Shop mysteries, do you have a favorite series that features a pet?
Princess: OMG! This is hard because I have so many. Of course I love Nick and Nora but my first one is still one of my favourites and that is Midnight Louie or the PI with shivs. He always made meow laugh. Currently I never miss Diesel in the Cat in the Stacks series.
Purrday: Who would you choose to be stranded on a desert island with: Myself or Nick Charles the cat from the Nick and Nora mysteries
Princess: Another toughie. Could I have both of mew?
Purrday: Do you have any literary aspirations of your own?
Princess: I actually do. I would love to find a publisher or somepawdy who could help meow share my stories and thoughts with the greater public. I think mew will agree I have some impawtant things to say. PUrrday: If DEATH STEALS THE SPOTLIGHT should ever be made into a movie, would you consider playing yourself? and who do you see in the roles of Shell and Gary?
Princess: I would love to have this made into a movie and naturally mew and I would play ourselves. Casting the humans…hmm *ponders*. I know Momma would choose Henry Cavell if she could play Shell but she is way too old. But seriously I think somepawdy like Timothy Oliphant or Ryan Reynolds for Gary and Kelly Reilly or Rachel MacAdams for Shell since Rachel is from my home town. They have to be funny and charming and still kick butt.
Who do mew think it should be? *Giggles*
Purrday: No actress could compare to you, Princess. It has been a pleasure to interview you.
Princess: I want to thank mew Rocco and TC for letting meow be part of this. It has been a blast ! |
This has been a great interview! I hope they make this into a movie!!❤️🐾
ReplyDeleteCutie interview <3