Sunday, January 13, 2013



I've been a big fan of Victoria Laurie for quite awhile - started with the Abby Cooper "Psychic Eye" series and then graduated over to the "Ghost Hunter" series, so it's quite a thrill for me, in keeping with our "character interviews"  to interview Victoria Laurie's original psychic sleuth, Abby Cooper, today!

For those readers not familiar with the fabulously talented Victoria Laurie:
Victoria Laurie is the New York Times Bestselling author of over twenty books.  With two series in full swing, Victoria divides her time between The Psychic Eye Mysteries and The Ghost Hunter Mysteries.  As a professional psychic herself, Victoria knows all too well the tricky world of the paranormal in which her protagonists psychic Abby Cooper, and spiritual medium M. J. Holliday tackle murder, mayhem, and the occasional demon with plenty of plucky humor and determination.  You may find Victoria on the web at

And my hotseat...ABBY COOPER HERSELF!

R)  Good Morning, Abby. Tell us a bit about yourself.
A: Good morning, ROCCO!  (waves)  Thanks for being so patient with's been a busy year!  Anyhoo, I'm a professional psychic currently living in Austin, TX.  Originally I'm from a small city in Michigan called Royal Oak, and I only moved to Texas when my fiancé Dutch, was promoted to Special Agent within the FBI and took a job in Austin for the bureau's cold case division.  I also work for the bureau as a civilian profiler...fancy talk for psychic consultant.  In addition to my private clients, I also work the occasional private investigative case with my BFF, Candice Fusco -  who's just the best P.I. in the biz.  (i.e. she bends a lot of rules and helps to keep me out of sticky situations...which I'm forever getting myself into...ahem...)  Dutch and I are currently planning our wedding....okay, so we're not actually planning it as much as we're letting my sister play the role of wedding planner on steroids...and at this point, I'm not sure it's actually an easier or less stressful process but it's too late to turn back now.

R) When did you first realize you had psychic abilities?
A: I think I was pretty young - eleven or twelve maybe when little things I'd say would start to happen.  It just built up from there, but I don't think I actually considered myself a psychic until another dear friend of mine - who was a professional medium - told me that's what I was.  For many years I was simply too afraid of my own abilities to do anything with them, but with her gentle help, I sort of came into my own and started to read for clients, and now I've got a dozen years under my belt as a professional intuitive and a client list that's ever growing.  It's pretty awesome.  :)

R) Have you made the acquaintence of another psychic ghostbuster, MJ Holliday?  If so, how did you meet? How do you get along? (Guess that's three questions in one, eh????)
A: M.J. and I met a few years ago when I needed her help to get rid of a couple ghostly squatters taking up residence in an investment property I got suckered into.  The good news is that M. J. did help me, and we hit it off right away.  I love that girl - she's very down-to-earth and she can handle herself really well in sticky situations.  Her best friend Gilley is also a hoot!  Gotta loves me some Gilley.

R)  Out of all your adventures, do you have a favorite?
A:  :)  My next adventure is usually my favorite.  I think this summer when Dutch and I finally get the chance to tie the knot will be my favorite.  M. J.'s coming to the wedding, actually, so it should be a blast.  (Hee, hee...Literally!)

R)  Which profession do you prefer: psychic or FBI Civilian Profiler?
A:  I don't know that I have a preference of one over the other.  I like them both.  Psychic sessions are very interesting things from the point of view of the psychic, because each new client is a mystery, and the things I pull out of the ether can really surprise me.  Being a profiler for the FBI is really cool in a different way - there's just no better high than solving a crime and bringing the bad guys to justice.  I love them both.

R) You recently got engaged.  Can you share any wedding/honeymoon plans? Where would you like to go on your honeymoon?
A: I can't share much in the way of plans, because my sister Cat is doing all the planning, and I'm out of the loop...okay, so I'm mostly out of the loop because I dodge Cat's calls a lot and sometimes she sends people to kidnap me just to get a decision on the caterer, but I have a feeling Cat is going for big.  I mean BIG!  And that means that right up until the day of the ceremony I may try to talk Dutch into eloping.

As for where to go on our  Well, I guess anywhere that Dutch and I won't be reachable by phone.  I'd love a beach and lots of coconut oil, and of course some good books to read.

R) Describe your relationship with your sister Cat. (Love her name, Meow!)
A:  Cat is this amazing dynamo of energy and brains wrapped in a tiny blond package.  You don't so much as go along with Cat, as you just step out of the way before she runs over you with the bulldozer she's just stollen.  True story.  I love my sister with all my heart, but sometimes, she's better in small doses.  Now...if I could only figure out where she hides her bullhorn so I could snatch it before the rehearsal dinner, I'll be all set!

R) Can you share a bit about your newest adventure, LETHAL OUTLOOK?
A:  Sure!  LETHAL OUTLOOK was released last July in hardcover, and it'll be available in paperback in June.  It's the account of a case that Candice and I worked involving the mother of a toddler who simply vanished in the middle of the afternoon one day.  There's been no sign of her, but I believe she's been murdered.  Her husband is being looked at as the person responsible for her disappearance, but I'm not really convinced he's guilty.  There are quite a few suspects to look at, and Candice and I both believe that the truth about what really happened to this woman is a much bigger story than anyone actually believes.  

R) If Hollywood came knocking at your door and wanted to make a movie out of one of your advenures, which one would you hope it would be and who would you like to play you?
A:  Ha!  Well, I think that Better Read Than Dead would probably make the best movie, and as for who should play me?  Emma Stone, hands down.  I think she's amazing!

R)  Any advice for aspiring writers (or psychics?)
A: If you want to be a writer then write.  Write your fanny off.  The only way to get better is to keep doing it.  So write every day if you can, at the very least you should write every few days consistently. 

R)  How do you feel about Victoria Laurie recounting your adventures?
A:  Terrific!  She writes it just how I live it, so it's a good match.

R:  And now, just for fun: Tell us your favorite:

A: Movie: Hmmm...The Princess Bride.  I could watch that movie over and over.
Book: I have two: A Is For Alibi and The Hobbit
Author: Sue Grafton.  That woman walks on water in my book.
Psychic: Kevyn Allen  He was my mentor and now he's a very dear friend.  Also, the best psychic I've ever known - by a LOT
Actor: Daniel Craig.  I love the scenes where he's mostly naked.  ;)
TV Show: I have two again: The Good Wife and Downton Abbey.  Any show with writing that brilliant gets a thumbs up from me
FBI or CIA?  CIA, hands down.  I love a good spook.  ;)
Martini or Manhattan?  Neither - I don't drink!  But give me an Arnold Palmer, (1/2 lemonade + 1/2 Iced Tea) and I'm in heaven.
Psychic or Detective?  Psychic
Demon or Devil? Neither.  I'm an angel kind of gal
Island or Mountains?  Mountains - I'll take a breathtaking view any day over sand and water
and, last but not least CAT or Dog?  Dog.  I have two of the best pups ever, so I might be biased (TEAR SLIDES ROCCO'S CHEEK)

Meow, thank you Abby (and Victoria, too) for a great interview!

Folks, to keep up with all of Victoria's series and current releases, visit her website and sign up for her newsletter ( I did!)  !HERE

Abby (and Victoria) will be giving away a copy of both WHAT A GHOUL WANTS and LETHAL OUTLOOK to one lucky reader! Just leave a comment with your email address to enter. Contest closes midnight, January 20, winner chosen at  random using and announced January 21st.

for extra entries, you can:
follow Victoria on twitter
follow me on twitter @RoccoBlogger
friend me on Facebook
Friend Victoria on FB
/tweet or FB about this contest! (3 extra entries!)

What are you waiting for!

Next week: Mary Janice Davidson helps me celebrate my blogaversary! Stay tuned! Meow!


  1. I am a big fan of Victoria's books and own several of them. I'd love to win the copy of Lethal Outlook since I was gifted with a copy of What a Ghoul Wants by a close friend.

    I am a twitter follower of both Rocco and Victoria. @NoraAdrienne

    Friend of both on Facebook Nora-Adrienne Deret
    I've tweeted about this post and giveaway.

  2. Valerie Consoer found Blogger difficult, so the HUMAN is posting her entry! and she friended the Human on FB !

    anyone else having difficulty, friend the human, Toni LoTempio, on FB and we will make sure you get entered!

  3. Oh,I am truly interested in this character...and Victoria.I know that we are spiritual beings and that " there is more in Heaven and Earth" as Shakespeare said.I believe that everyone has the capability of spirituality on some level, but most are suppressed, and just as some have acute hearing, sense of smell, etc., some are better equipped for such communication.
    You know I am a 'friend' and subscribe.I will share on FB.
    Continued success to you,Victoria...and smooth sailing,(so to speak!)

  4. Victoria, I have read and loved your books in paperback. In fact, I'm very intuitive myself and picked up some tips from "Abby" that I use regularly. Keep 'em coming. All the best to you!
