Thursday, June 6, 2024

ROCCO And Chazz interview author Mary Kennedy! (with a giveaway!!!!!!)

 Rocco here with my assistant Chazz!

Today we are interviewing author and good friend of our human, Mary Kennedy!

Mary has enjoyed a successful career as a writer, having published the Talk Radio Mysteries and the Dream Club Mysteries for Berkeley.  She has a new Dream Club Mystery debuting on June 7th!

(Note the cool cat! Kind of looks like Chazz!)

ROCCO:  Welcome Mary!

Chazz:     Yes, welcome!

ROCCO:  We are thrilled to host you today.  Please tell us a little about your background,Mary!

MK:   I've always been a writer. My first job out of college was as a radio copywriter for a rock radio station in Nashville. It was a wild and wacky station like the TV show, WKRP. From there, I became a television news writer. I'm also a licensed clinical psychologist which makes for an interesting mix.

Chazz:  That sounds interesting! Tell us a bit about your latest book!

MK: My latest book is Premonition of Murder, book 3 in the Dream Club Mysteries. A "dream club" in Savannah finds clues that help the police solve crimes.

ROCCO: A dream club sounds like something I would enjoy Heh Heh. Or maybe Chazz, since he is always napping.  

Chazz:  ZZZ--what was that?  Mary, how do you construct your plots? Do you outline or do you write “by the seat of your pants”? 

MK: I write a really detailed synopsis "for my eyes only." It's pretty stream of consciousness and is much more involved than the one I write for the proposal.

Chazz:  Which do you consider more important, plot or character? 

MK:  The setting is really important to me. The Talk Radio Mysteries could only take place in a radio station. And the Dream Club Mysteries were inspired by Savannah, a fascinating city with a lot of supernatural elements.

ROCCO:  What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced as a writer and what inspires you and keeps you motivated? 

MK:  Well, I keep the VISA bill on the fridge and that's tremendously motivating!

ROCCO:  Sure is.  I should tell the human to put her QVC bill up on our fridge.

Chazz:  Do you have an “How I got my agent” story you want to share? 

MK:  I sold 7 books to a major New York publisher on my own, and finally figured I needed someone to guide my career. I started out writing YA for Scholastic and Penguin and now am writing adult mysteries for Penguin-Random House.

ROCCO:  Please tell us what are you working on now and what are your future writing plans?

MK:  I'm writing book 5 in the Talk Radio Mysteries, Death of a Shady Shrink. Dr. Maggie, a radio talk show shrink (think Frasier), is still rocking it at WYME-Radio in a south Florida town. And she solves a murder (or two) in every book!

Chazz: Cool! I love Frasier!!!!!!

ROCCO:  What advice do you have to offer to an aspiring author?

MK:    Don't quit your day job!

ROCCO: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?  

MK:  I had a bit part in a Burt Reynolds movie even though I had a 104 temperature. It was crazy, bt hey, it was Burt Reynolds!

Chazz:  Who's Burt Reynolds?

ROCCO (rolls eyes)   Mary, where can our readers learn more about you and your books?

MK:  They can find out all the latest on my website and my Facebook page.

Chazz: oh ho, we're not done yet!  Now Mary answers ROCCO and Chazz's Fast Five!

  • What did you do when you found out your first book was published? I bought a very jazzy car. A black MG with red upholstery
  • If you weren’t a writer, what would you be? I would be desperately unhappy and probably complaining to all my friends.
  • What’s your favorite way to spend a rainy day? Reading, of course! Curled up with a couple of cats!  (ROCCO: Excellent!) 
  • What’s your preference for grocery shopping:  In store or online
  • What is your favorite movie quote "Don't let the bastards get you down." It sounds classier in Latin. It was actually my father's favorite quote.

Thank you for a wonderful interview, Mary!  AND........

Mary will give away a $15 Amazon Gift Card to one lucky commenter! Just leave your name and email address in our comments section!  Chazz will pick the winner! Contest closes at midnight, June 16th!


  1. So fun Thank you for the review Deborah

  2. I enjoyed the fun interview! cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  3. Anita Klaboe

  4. Book sounds great. Thanks for your great generosity.

  5. Ty . Amanda edwards .

  6. This book sounds fantastic! What interesting careers you've had. What was the Burt Reynolds movie, and what was your part? Inquiring minds want to know! 😁

  7. Great interview! Thanks for the chance!

  8. Wonderful interview!! Thank you for the chance. Sounds very interesting. Tracy Fritts

  9. Excellent interview. Rocco and Chazz are great interviewers. Thank you for this chance. areewekidding(at)yahoo(dot)com
