Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Halloween Spook-tacular - Cats in Horror!

5th Annual Spooktacular Giveaway Hop

October 15th to 31st

October’s the perfect time for Horror movies – so I decided to combine my two favorite subjects – horror movies and CATS – and come up with a list of scary movies starring – you guessed it – fabulous felines.  Thanks to IMDB for the synopses!

Cat’s Eye – 1985 – written by Stephen King – starring Drew Barrymore
Three horror-thriller tales revolve around a mysterious stray cat which is attempting to find a little girl in trouble. In "Quitters, Inc.": the cat is picked up by a shady New York "doctor" who uses experimental techniques to get people to quit smoking. His latest client is a man named Morrison, who learns he'll suffer some terrible consequences if he tries to cheat. In "The Ledge": the cat is picked up by Cressner, a shady Atlantic City millionaire who forces tennis pro Norris (his wife's lover), to walk a narrow ledge around his high-rise penthouse apartment. In "The General": the cat arrives in Wilmington, North Carolina, where it is found by Amanda, the young girl it has been sent to protect. What she needs protection from is a tiny, evil troll who lives behind the skirting board in her bedroom.  Do not watch with lights out!


The Black Cat – 1934 – Bela Lugosi –Boris Karloff - Based on a story by Edgar Allen Poe

Honeymooning in Hungary, Joan and Peter Allison share their train compartment with Dr. Vitus Verdegast, a courtly but tragic man who is returning to the remains of the town he defended before becoming a prisoner of war for fifteen years. When their hotel-bound bus crashes in a mountain storm and Joan is injured, the travellers seek refuge in the home, built fortress-like upon the site of a bloody battlefield, of famed architect Hjalmar Poelzig. There, cat-phobic Verdegast learns his wife's fate, grieves for his lost daughter, and must play a game of chess for Allison's life.  A good Lugosi-Karloff pairing.

Cat People – 1942 –Simone Simon (remade in 1981)

Irena Dubrovna, a beautiful and mysterious Serbian-born fashion artist living in New York City, falls in love with and marries average-Joe American Oliver Reed. Their marriage suffers though, as Irena believes that she suffers from an ancient curse- whenever emotionally aroused, she will turn into a panther and kill. Oliver thinks that is absurd and childish, so he sends her to psychiatrist Dr. Judd to cure her. Easier said than done... Remade in 1982 with a slight plot change A young woman's sexual awakening brings horror when she discovers her urges transform her into a monstrous black leopard. Pick one – they’re both scary.

 But by far the winner....Pet Sematary!!!!!!!


Written by Stephen King, Based on the book by Stephen King

Stars Dale Midkiff, Fred Gwynne

·        Movie sticks pretty much to the plot of the book: After moving into their new home the Creed family's cat is killed after wondering onto the highway. Jud an elderly neighbor shows Louis, the father, to an isolated hill behind the local Pet Cemetery and instructs him to bury the deceased feline there. Not long after the cat reappears at the Creed home, only he is not the same. The docile cat is now vicious and destructive. When their youngest son meets with a fatal accident, the distraught Louis buries him in the same location hoping to revive him. Unfortunately he unleashes far more than he had bargained for.

I had my eyes closed for most of the last half of this movie – THAT’s how scary it is.  And what a perfect touch, having Fred Gwynne portray the neighbor Jud Crandall (he played Herman on the Munsters).  This wins the award for scariest cat horror movie….EVER!

Do you  have any favorite horror movies featuring cats? Or just any movies featuring cats?  Leave a comment below, and we’ll select one winner at random to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card PLUS an autographed ARC of my cozy mystery, MEOW IF ITS MURDER starring Nick, the tuxedo cat!  Contest closes midnight, October 31 – open to US residents only.

Visit other great "spooktacular" hop members here: Blog Hop Link



  1. Pet cemetary and hocus Pocus (it wasn't scary but binx the cat is cute)

  2. I'm sure most people would say this but Hocus Pocus has always been my favorite since I was a small child. I can't wait until my child is old enough to watch it with me!

  3. I remember enjoying Cat People (1983 remake), and I liked Pet Sematary as well.

  4. I loved The Cat from Outer Space when I was little LOL Because I love cats! Homeward Bound! I can't really think of any others right now but I love movies that feature cats. Thanks for the giveaway!

    mpg12345 AT aol DOT com

  5. Thanks for giveaway!

  6. I loved Walt Disney's, The Three Lives of Thomasina

    1. Forgot my email...

      patucker54 at aol dot com

  7. I've always liked Pet Sematary, and also like Scary Movie 2 which features a black cat

  8. When I was little I loved Homeward Bound. The cat was my favorite.

  9. I loved Cat's Eye, I've watched it several times. I think I might have watched Pet Sematary a few times and I love that movie. Very good.


  10. I have two that I remember watching as a kid. One is from 1969 is called "Eye of the Cat". It's a thriller. Rich old lady with lots of cats and a nephew that wants to rob her. The cats save her. The other is a Disney movie called "The Three Lives of Thomasina". I absolutely love this movie.

  11. I loved Cat People (the original) when I was growing up. It had that edge of creepiness especially during the pool scene. And how about the cat in the Shrinking Man! Kuzlin at aol.com

  12. That Darn Cat starring Hayley Mills is probably one of my favorite movies starring a cat. author @ angeliaalmos . com

  13. No clue as to the name of the movie, but I recall hiding behind the theater seat and peeking between them. There was a panther on the loose. bobbipad@gmail.com

  14. The witch movie that Bet Meddler was in where the cat talked josephhawkshaw@yahoo.com

  15. Hocus Pocus, the cat looks exactly like mine!

  16. Cat People (1982 film) was the 1st scary movie I saw at a drive-in.
    Jennifer Rote

  17. I remember seeing Cat People on television years ago with Nastassja Kinski. At that time, I was amazed how they could turn into cats so instantly, that was scary enough, lol A more current "scary" cat movie could be Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler, Sara Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy as the Sanderson sisters who turned a boy into a cat as a curse, eons ago. I loved the movie but it wasn't too scary :)

  18. Pet Sematary...definitely. Hellboy is a cat lover, which endears him even more to me!.

  19. The only movie I can think of that features cats is Aristocats...I LOVED that one!
    shermie40 at yahoo dot com

  20. I cant think of any of my favorite movies with cats in it.
    leighannecrisp at yahoo dot com

  21. Back in the 80's I think there was a movie called The Cat People. I saw it, but barely remember it.


  22. I've always loved the classic That Darn Cat! with Hayley Mills :)

    colorvibrant at gmail dot com

  23. I liked Hocus Pocus.

    ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com

  24. Hocus Pocus is the best Halloween movie ever!


  25. Scary Movie 2 (2001)

  26. Hocus Pocus! e.j.stevens.author [at] gmail [dot] com

    Thanks for the giveaway! You can enter my Spooktacular Giveaway at From the Shadows. Happy Halloween! :)

  27. I loved Church from Pet Sematary.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

  28. I haven't seen any with cats, only Garfield, that doesn't count here though.


  29. I loved Cat's Eye, one of my favorite movies. That cat was everywhere! LOL. Thanks for sharing and have a Happy Halloween.

  30. Only Hocus Pocus. I had a black kitty that I named Binx after the cat character. Someone had left he and his 2 siblings at our house when they were babies, si I took them to the vet and adopted out the other 2 to friends. He had a scratch on one eye when I got him, and unfortunately it turned into feline leukemia. He was just past his first birthday when I lost him, and it broke my heart! I had done everything I could to keep him from getting anything, I mean he NEVER went outside, but the vet said the scratch or his mother gave it to him. Still miss the little bugger. His only Christmas, he made the tree his personal playground.

  31. The only scary movie I remember with a cat is Pet Semetary. That movie was FREAKY!

  32. Pet Sematary and Hocus Pocus are the first to come to mind for me!

  33. I enjoyed Cat's Eye, Pet Sematary, and Hocus Pocus. My email is:
    Haleyrscully at gmail dot com

  34. Hocus Pocus is the only sort of spooky movie that featured a cat. Though seeing the cat at different points in the movie version of And Then There Were None was ominous. Thanks for the chance to win.


  35. Mary DeBorde
    zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com

    <3 I adore cats and right now as I type my spoiled furbaby is curled atop the covers beside me <3
    Now, this is a realllll oldie but one of my favorites was an animated movie called Gay Purr-ee with the voice of Judy Garland. I first saw it when I was around 8 years old (many decades ago lol) It was sweet and beautiful and I think you would truly enjoy :)

  36. Hocus Pocus is the only one that jumps out with a cat. What's scarier is this prank pulled by Ant & Dec (British show hosts) on this guy named Jeremy Kyle. He has a Springer-esque show, and they tried to say a couple wasn't working because the guy was getting plastic surgery to look more like his dead cat. The guy actually fell for it. Scary to think someone would actually believe that... (email's in blogger profile)

  37. King's Sleepwalkers is pretty good. But my all time fav is The General from Cat's Eye. My son and I took the story further and spent many an evening floating in the pool telling each other another scene!
    Thanks for the giveaway. Crossing fingers and toes.

  38. Hocus Pocus is the only one that I can remember that was scary with a cat in it!!!

  39. I honestly don't know any movies that specifically had cats in them. I guess Garfield was pretty awful to watch. Cats vs Dogs was pretty entertaining though.

  40. Love this post. I had not thought about some of these films for years!

  41. Hocus Pocus, I love to watch it, but it's the best for Halloween!

    videoclimber(at) yahoo DOT com

  42. Hocus Pocus! <3 Binx!!

  43. OMG most definitely PET CEMETERY! That is a great movie. I watch it every year!

  44. The only one besides Pet Sematary that comes to mind is the movie Sleepwalkers.

  45. Hocus Pocus - very much Halloween a movie but more funny than scary!

  46. I have to go with Cat's Eye on this too :) It was so creepy when I saw it as a kid and one that I still remember well :)

  47. I'm drawing a blank on cat movies at the moment, but I do like the book and BBC movie adaptation of Cat Among the Pigeons by Agatha Christie. It's just a metaphorical cat, but maybe it counts? ;) egholtrop at gmail dot com

  48. Not big on horror movies, but a cat movie I loved is a lot easier. I loved The cat from Outerspace.
    Jennelle J

  49. Hocus Pocus ! the cat is my fav, character. he his full of sass, the sass lives in him.

  50. I thought Sleepwalkers was really creepy.

  51. I like my cats minus horror. Actually, I like my movies, minus horror!

    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  52. Hmm...can't think of any favorite movies with cats, except for The Richest Cat in the World, a Disney tv special from years ago.

    maggie at literary winner dot com

  53. I don't do scary movies but love cats so I'd say Cats and Dogs was a good movie so was the sequel even if the cat was evil. lol


  54. Now THIS was a fun post! There's another Stephen King movie called SLEEPERS (I think) that features an incestuous brother and sister who turn into werecat-like creatures. It's better than it sounds. Then there's some movie (probably called MEOW or HISS or something brilliant like that) with tons of regular domestic cats running amok and shredding people apart for some vague reason. Egyptian curse? Empty food bowl? Bad but funny!

  55. My favorite cat movie though its not horror its called Ghost Cat I watched it on Netflix and totally loved it.

  56. Pet Sematary is definitely the scariest cat movie there is! Both the movie and the book gave me nightmares!

    the imagine tree at aol dot com

  57. I love the movie Sleepwalkers.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  58. Definitely Hocus Pocus! Who doesn't love Thackery Binx? Thank you for the chance to win. :)
    MostlyMisha [at] gmail [dot] com

  59. I don't have any favorite scary cat movies, but I'll always love The Aristocats. tomegnome5@gmail.com

  60. I love spooky shows/movies like cat's eye, poltergeist, IT by Stephen King, Legend of Sleepy Hollow, etc.

  61. I love Hocus Pocus and Sleepy Hollow, I can't do things that are too scary because it'll keep me up at night.
    naomistamps@hotmail dot com

  62. Probably Pet Cemetary, I cannot think of anything else with a cat right now.

  63. I love Pet Cemetery! and i have to say Cats eye is also pretty awesome ty for the chance

  64. Does Homeward Bound count? It's not really a horror movie.


  65. I loved Thomasina when I was a child.
    jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

  66. I used to love An American Tail when I was younger. There are no cats in America :) Thanks! saltsnmore at yahoo dot com

  67. The only scary movie I remember with a cat is Pet Semetary.
    s2s2 at Comcast dot net

  68. I really don't like super scary movies---so I'd have to say Ghost Cat.

  69. I used to live next to the Pet Semetary cemetery! I think the only cat movies I can think of are Pollyana and That Darn Cat... I don't like scary movies, especially with animals!

  70. Hocus Pocus it is a show that all ages can watch and enjoy with a spooky element
    KristineLR23 (AT) gmail (dot) com
    -Kristine R

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